Initial Consultation for College Counseling

Kathy offers a one-hour initial consultation where students and their families will learn how to find and develop the student’s strongest story. They will learn how that story — based on the student’s own interests and character — can create an exceptionally strong college application. They will see how strengthening the student’s story can be empowering not just in the application process but throughout college and beyond.

Three-Meeting Series

If you decide to proceed, Kathy will schedule a series of three one-hour college counseling meetings with you and your student:

  • The first meeting will explore the student’s academic record to determine strengths and create a plan for success. Class and standardized testing schedules will be suggested. The student will be encouraged to identify teachers who best recognize the student’s interests and will be able to write the most perceptive college recommendations.
  • The second meeting will focus on extracurricular interests. We will brainstorm about how to deepen activities and interests during the school year as well as through summer opportunities.
  • The third meeting will discuss your family’s and your student’s aspirations for college and beyond. We will discuss specific colleges and the student’s fit. Kathy and the family will agree on an admissions plan that is suitable for attaining that student’s goals.

Follow-up College Consulting Services

  • Grades 9-10 – After the initial consultation, Kathy will charge by the hour to meet with the student as needed (typically one hour sessions, two or three times a year) to talk about class choice, academic challenges, timing of and optimal preparation for the SAT I or ACT and the SAT II. Kathy will also follow up with the student on extracurricular excellence, teacher letters of recommendations, and summer enrichment plans.
  • Grade 11 – By the middle of the junior year, Kathy will meet with the student to discuss the testing schedule and to identify two teachers to write recommendations. Any supplemental recommendations and supplemental art or performance portfolios will be developed at this time, and Kathy can help guide these choices. Athletic talents will be discussed and students hoping to play on a college team will write letters to coaches, as appropriate. At the end of the junior year, Kathy will meet with the student to work on identifying the qualities and interests the student will want to illuminate in the various application essays. We will create a plan for drafts of these essays.
  • Grade 12 – For this phase of college counseling, Kathy will act as a writing coach and time management consultant, helping the student hone essays until they reflect the student’s individual achievements and character with a strong, consistent voice. Strategies and skills learned in these sessions will improve the student’s writing and organizational skills throughout college and beyond. Students will learn interviewing strategies and useful techniques for managing multiple applications. The pros and cons of “Early Decision” vs. “Early Action” will also be discussed. 

    Law School and Graduate Applications

      Kathy has worked with applicants to professional schools, including law school. She will help you get the best possible recommendations, complete test prep efficiently, and refine your personal statement.


      Initial consultation: $600
      Three-meeting series: $1800 ($600/hour)
      Hourly rate: $600
      Additional rate for transfer students
      Because each student and family is different and has varying needs, it is difficult to predict the number of hours that will work best with individuals of vastly different interests, writing abilities, and goals. Typically, students need anywhere from 10-30 total consulting hours for multiple applications. Some families find it best just to use several hours for essay editing in the fall term of the senior year. Kathy will work with your family to create a plan that best suits your specific needs.

    Methods and Terms of Payment

    Payment for college counseling should be made at time of service via PayPal or personal check.